Thursday, 24 December 2009

reality games

Because of the troubles approaching christmas, coming up with a new genre of social art: reality games. This was going to be my final year of the direct approach, after which I can give up with 2020worldpeace whatever the result. Considering the results of the direct approach, I am playing around with a whole range of approaches, which involve stories, roleplaying, and fun experiences.

When I played roleplaying games as a teenager, our group seemed very different from others because we did not invest in imaginary characters, we didn't want superpowers etc. It was just us, the same kids, imagining ourselves in different scenarios. It was generally realistic, and it was generally the players falling out of one disaster into another.

I started writing up opening scenarios for a psy-fi last year, hoping that I had made enough connections with writers to perhaps enable a multiple-authored text. This got scuppered right at the beginning of the year, and I haven't looked at it since. A year goes by, and I read some of it, and I wonder who on earth wrote it. Interesting possibilities.

So, in the same way I was thinking of facilitating the writing of a multiple-authored text, what about inviting people to participate in alternative experiences? Pimp and biatches clubbing, pitching a CSR department with actors, ESPRA, all kinds of reality games where people are participants in creating reality as we go along. I am not one of the players, per se, but a facilitator.

This is early idea formation, but I think I can get more of a handle on it over the holiday season. What is important is to realise that it is not important for people to get it. It's not about getting their fully-informed conscious decision. I have done this far too much. What is better is that we get the experience, based on which we can think about it. Wrt any reality game situation/scenario, any specific consciousness will be considering a particular aspect of it, and they will have a library of perceptions/thoughts on it too. This is not what is engaged. It's whether it is fun, unknown, a surprise, a learning experience. The appeal is at a deeper level. It's not about mind and judgement.

This is the bit I have to shift in my own head. It involves a whole system of thoughts: selfless, words are the listeners', moment is blinkered, emotive engagement, (not looking for acknowledgement, or an equal presently, if they are present, they will engage later...).

Wednesday, 9 September 2009

mindstream 090909

Woke up at 4am or so and eventually had to wake enough to make some notes, and eventually had to get up. Came up with the following thought-streams:
  • phases of social realisation
  • enlightenment next: first-last to latest
  • pay the individual, not the group
  • times table, and fractions there-of
  • conditions for exponential social explosion, in eg tango
  • cycles: heartbeat, breath, mind
  • mistaken associations and fine vibes
  • comprehending the lotus flower
Is that enough? I'll describe them each a little, more for my own thinking than to explain. Oh, and speaking to Sofia, giving the last one and the second, reminded of plastacine sculptures.

phases of social realisation
0 oh...
to notice an idea
a possible event
create a class
1 ah!
noticing another person's idea, event, or class
by plusing it wrt espian tent, or retweeting it
and allocating some pecus to it
2 o
threshold of interest
when the sum of interest > x
(x specified by the originator)
the originator or whoever defines the projection and applies will to it
3 k
people who noticed originally are reinformed of threshold
and define their own projection
and apply a k-value of enthusiasm
4 !
the event actually occurs
with various threshold calculations based on the sum of k
or a set number of k-10's
or whatever

enlightenment next: first-last to latest
It's the latest people who join a group that define it, not the pioneers, the early ones. Older, original followers get bored... it's like watching the same film. Also, the power of prototype, allows peeps to define the idea they have just been told... their response is essential!

pay the individual, not the group
Obvious really. Pay a group, and it lives. Pay an individual, and it pays.

times table, and fractions there-of
Eg 3 6 9 12... 6 is 1/2 of 12, 9 is 3/4 of 12... do this with all the tables, at different amounts of a table, as it were... ie, don't think of a table as complete. Just runs of multiples. AMAZINGLY SIMPLE. Always wondered how to introduce fractions, and this is it. Making relationships between the multiples. So simple.

conditions for exponential social explosion, in eg tango
If people invited must bring along two partners, this may create clumps of 4, since each dancer is inviting two opposite sex partners. This is like a neutron being absorbed in a carbon atom. The trick is to enforce externalisation. That is, you can't invite someone who has already been invited. For this to work, you could simply say invite one partner. Two makes it a lot faster. Keep track of this using prototype?

cycles: heartbeat, breath, mind
Heartbeat 60 bpm, breathing 10 bpm... what about mind? Emotions also have a different period. They all have period. Flux.
Also, dancing when the music is inside, whereas moving to an enforced rhythm becomes machine-like. The reason why modern dance music was offencive to older generation is because the music was outside and could not believe it was possible to internalise that speed.
The meme-period, daily routine, cleaning teeth, etc, calling ourselves certain names...

mistaken associations and fine vibes
To contemplate the body as having a history, even from birth, from the first DNA formation from male female parents, is amazing. To think of the genotype history, mammals, fish, amoeba, life is astounding too. And this is mostly physical, even if we consider structure and energistics. We can also think about memes, language forms, parental patterns, cultural forms, also finding themselves in history, eg cities, money, wording, astounding range too.
However these are all observing the stream as it passes, and thinking about the source and the result... whereas one is just here and now. This instant. Nice vibe though.
May be an association of this contemplation, and vibration, and the finer petals of the lotus flower.

comprehending the lotus flower
This, or not this, what is left? Sure, not sure, what is left? Male, not male, what is left? Brother, not brother, what is left? A petal is a thought of association, often positive, attachment. A petal is also a thought of not, often negative, imaginary, aversion.
As the petals open, as we become aware and do not associate ourselves, so what is left becomes free as it were. There is nothing at the end of it, no thing, no heart, just the open space above the lotus flower, the revealing of itself.
If we peel apart these layers, we are analysing, whereas if we let them unfold, we are becoming.
I associate this with a torus, smoke ring... and the inverse mind-drop solution.

Saturday, 1 August 2009

everything is self-organised

A little note about Just In Time.

Was drifting in/out of sleep and this thought came into my head regarding how we only have a week of normal living if things hit the fan. Lack of oil, foodstuffs, etc, everything collapses in a short period of time. So the illusion that we are part of a thing that is solid, with hundreds of years of solidity and will exist forever, is so convincing that many people feel disempowered. But really, when it comes down to it, the disempowerment is not in the face of history or the future, but in the lack of trust and proper engagement right now, day to day.

Tav recollected the appropriate term, Just In Time, and I am including it in the prezi I am producing on psycho-social dynamics.

Saturday, 4 July 2009

TRON: strategic nexus

I shall use this post and one in the play fortress blog to outline the strategic importance of TRON.

Friday, 3 July 2009

deepening on twitter

Twitter is mostly for shallow engagement. The 140 character limit enforces a conciseness which I welcome, and it happens to align to the minimalism we find in buddhism. We have a tendency to multiply out of all proportion the simple lessons that wise bods have come up with over 2000 years of exploration and experience. I'd like to use this post to expand on the first little experiment we've had on twitter with @JimWray @HaumanaDao @eve11@zhibDe and others with the tag #budsci for buddhist science.

So with this in mind, can we use the letterbox protocol (defined in the previous post below) and apply it to twitter in order to deeper our engagement meaningfully?

rule #1: tweet with the invitation for another to follow
This principle is simple. You are not allowed to write more than one tweet at a time.

rule #2: respond with the tag #budsci
We can use various filter or search facilities of nambu, tweetdeck or seesmic, or use tweetag. This enables new people to join in.

rule #3: refer to this post for new posters
It may also be useful to have a link to this post every so often just to explain the format, where we can continue discussion in the comments if necessary. Also, if a new tweeter just starts blethering, or one of us breaks a rule, or we think it is veering off, one of us can post a link to this blog to clarify the rules and to emphasise the ideals we are attempting to realise.
option #1: bid for several tweets
We can break with the single-post limit by requesting two or three or even more in order to convey a system of thoughts. Simply state a number, and it must be followed by an agreement by the number of people equal to the request less one's self. Eg, if I ask for 2 tweets, then all I need is one OK for me to go ahead and produce two sequential tweets. If I ask for 3 tweets, two other people must say ok in sequence, because in effect we are asking for their 'tweet-time'.

option #2: number statements
In order to keep track of them, and perhaps to refer to them. Perhaps all of them, perhaps just specific ones we wish to mark. If we feel there is a continuity; an amazing achievement may be that three statements follow one after another even though they come from different people.

option #3: colour threads
Using colours to indicate different threads. This is of course a category system and prone to all the problems thereof. Red (physical), orange (emotional), yellow (knowledge), green (will), blue (communication), indigo (insight), violet (god). Could allow individuals to create a specific colour, eg aquamarine, to pursue a particular line of thinking.

In this way, we avoid the pitfalls of standard communication, which I believe prohibit us from sharing our insights meaningfully. We are not thinking oppositionally, we are not presenting an argument leading to a conclusion, nor are we persuading. We are merely remarking, observing. We also shy away from making beautiful or poetic statements because it is not the word combination that interests us, but what how it helps us reflect upon our own experiences and insights. Also, there is no need to agree to disagree. Be very careful with questions, since they tend to shift focus to a past statement or to lead the reader to something the writer wants to continue with; consider using option #1 for a question-answer pairing.

Ideally, statements are reflective: it is not what is written that matters, rather what is read. Ideally, statements follow one another: it does not matter from which person they come, because accurate reflections of our conditional existence are true. Ideally, we go with the flow of the statements: always mindful that there are more people listening than there are 'talking', and that by making a statement we are directing everyone's attention. Ideally, we enable a deepening by remaining on a point/concept/topic; instead of flitting from one to another, with whatever our mind comes up with that is not the statement. Ideally, we are patient: whatever we have in our minds, what we know to be true, will come up at some point. Ideally, we are not pressing on, but drawing attention to: there is nothing being transacted, only resonate. Ideally, each statement has an ending to it; we should tend away from using words in such a way that they invite necessary specific explication.

Are we capable of this? I am sure to fail, but... I like the idea of trying. Imagine we are sitting together deep in meditation. Be mindful of the effect of words. Give plenty of space. And if we are lucky, over a few weeks, with perhaps only a dozen statements, we will be satisfied with our statements or at the least we will have learned lessons about our conduct.

Be well!

Monday, 11 May 2009

the letterbox protocol

Just spoke to Sofia regarding Chris. Chris is the guy who funded me to live in london in summer 2007. He's a genius, however his social interaction with people is so bad it's scary. Which means, his genius is not being correctly and usefully influencing the current world flows as much as it should. Sofia was burned by him, and she's super patient and tried for years. My solution has been heard but has not been acted on. It's a sore point, because there is danger that she will enter into engagement with him, and this will lead to the same dynamics as before.

With this in mind, Sofia suggested we talk about the problem using the Letterbox Protocol. From Confluence Consultancy:
"Having done this with my brother and with Sofia to my benefit and theirs, it is something I would like to encourage especially with people who are ahead of themselves. The protocol consists of changing how we speak in a simple way, specifically, each person says one sentence only.

"The intention at the end of the sentence is to invite the other to continue. This is the default state. A person is not allowed to continue unless the other comprehends, is following, is ready, and enables one to say the next sentence.

"The practice of this means that speaking is divorced from the speaker. Because we are sophisticated and we know about multiple perspectives, we tend to fall into the trap of our real-time truth that we have different perspectives. The objective is to acknowledge and practice the truth that we are talking at a deeper level than perspective. Hence, it does not matter who actually is talking. The emphasis is not on will, on grabbing attention, on being entertaining, nor sparkling with some wit, or bringing to bear some fact, etc. It is based on simple sharing. Also, little feedback loops like, dis/agreement, are jettisoned in the same way individually they are jettisoned for the sake of individual personal fluency. Also consider bids to say more than one statement which requires consensus again.

"This is relatively easy with two people, and requires greater practice with more than two. If people become practiced at this, then there is a chance that the speed might increase, where a collective of ten speak as if they are one."
It worked! We also included a time limit of 20 mins. Good engagement. Although a tricky subject, the protocol prevents a collapse into standard behaviours and social dynamics. Sofia and I talked about this tricky subject well, and we both felt good at the end of it, even though there is a confrontation right at the heart of it. Tav automated the process for Twitter, but his server is not up and running at the mo. However, even when it does, what people need is the real-world experience of it before it is transposed into the virtual world.

A similar dynamic happened when Dougald located various disorders of communication in me, and when I asked for engagement in a polite way, we effected something like the Letterbox Protocol. He is very eloquent, and produced some excellent and accurate descriptions as well as demonstrating lightness of attention. This has a tendency to run on, which makes listening and addressing specific points tricky. I believe by introducing the invitational ethic after every sentence, I do believe he will absolutely shine.

This is a protocol to improve listening, and thereby following, and thereby the emergence of appropriate leadership, that is, to truth. It helps us confront what needs to be confronted, well. It's a buddhist protocol, I think.

Saturday, 9 May 2009

dangerous insights

So, having got the usual feedback from people, who are informed by their local level success, empowered enough to feel they can give advice, the voice that I represent is not heard. I am certain that my experience with kids is real. They are the lesson, and I am happy to relate this back to the current, misguided adults in the complex world we have made for ourselves, and the total confusion of information, values, groups, politics, economics, and such silliness.

The chances are, you as a reader, are an adult, and so there is going to be ego stuff going on, with lots of complex inter-reflections of what you think about the world, people, me, etc. So, let's try to cut through that with a simple thought... experiment. I saw this picture in a book I am reading called Philosophy of Mathematics, given to me by the genius Luke. (For the attentive, the subtitle is, A contemporary introduction to the world of proofs and pictures.) Give yourself a moment to see if you can relate it to Pythagoras Theory. It's surprisingly simple. The consequence of this insight, or realisation, is quite significant. At least, it was for me :)

This is actually the special case which leads to the general case which leads to the pythagoras theorem. It is based on a simple observation. The sum of the two smaller triangles add up to the area of the large triangle. That is, the areas of the two smaller areas equal the area of the large area. c^2 = a^2 + b^2. Why have I never spotted this observation before? Take your time with it.

This simple observation startled me when I came across it. And it floated around my head this morning. I then let myself think of the process iterative within the smaller triangles, and this leads to a fractal representation of the areas. Interestingly, this only happened when the usual pythagoras theorem demonstration, with squares on the outside edges of the large triangle, was internalised or folded on the inside edges of the largest triangle. It's something about infinite and bounded at the same time.

This led me to thinking about a money system which is fractional. That is, when we transact money, or perhaps a pecu, it is a fractional amount of the whole. Imagine that! When you transact, you are playing with a tiny fraction of the whole. Being part of the whole. And this only makes sense, if the whole is stable. That is, it is not about making money, because it is a closed system. If money is continued to be made, that's like the squares on the triangles, it is growing. That's what's happening at the edges of our money system, since we have different denominations, and trading of currencies causes this... inflation, for lack of a better term or perhaps as insight...

Anyhow, this single thought also led to an insight into hierarchies and cutting out the middle man, which happens to be in 2020worldpeace. Most people have begun to understand how much middle management bung things up. Policy makers are trying to encourage bottom-up growth. I think I have a solution which I presented in an earlier post somewhere. And I suddenly realised that my experience with tav, sofia, mamading, and then with dougald,vinay and then with lloyd and gary, was that there was a similar bunging up at the horizontal level. That is, in the same way information and decisions and power and money are absorbed within the hierarchical alignment, so it is lost in distributed networks. I have been focussing on the formation of groups, those that are not permeable as it were, don't have a time-frame, are not open, don't have api's as it were, are too discrete, usually seeded around an ego. Lloyd's appears to be different. Which is why it was such a shock to have the low quality of engagement I had with him yesterday. Shocking. Luckily, it got better, but I had to work at it, which shouldn't have to happen. It should be effortless.
The Genius Card.
So, the insight is, just walk into eg Nesta and saying I am a genius, preferably with someone else. Just like with advertising, to go straight to the top, to speak to the decision maker, cut out the local noise and go straight to those who hold the money, writing the policy, the microphones, and challenge them. The main problem I have been facing is not that my insights and offerings have been challenges, they just have not been engaged. Why not? Because they are gordian knot solutions. They use elements which exist at levels most people aren't playing with. It's not the same level of thinking, and doing. Hence, it is below the radar, as it were. And there's a lot of confusion out there.

Eg, the connection between buddhism and maths is a good one, but only if people take a look. Most people I experience want to argue with it before looking. Its like those feeling experiments I did with kids... the one where you put objects in a closed box and they have to put their hands in and describe what they feel, the number of corners, edges, etc. Some kids are frightened at first by the mystery, but all kids overcome their fear once one or two actually are brave enough to try. Same with the quality of ideas I have. eg 2020worldpeace. Truly a fightening unknown which my friends and family were so scared by... poor them :D I didn't realise they were so threatened by it. Well, similarly with people wrt buddhism and maths. Or, with the ideas of non-groupness, and the whole notion of not knowing. Tango, tai chi. It's all the same. It's about exploring the unknown. And it is precisely this that needs to be done. Together.

Yesterday was like a double-grind. I went back into myself, got more out of the pythagoras kernal, and coming out with speed :)
So, what does this mean?
The danger of this insight is the danger that I see in Tav, Vinay, Gary, Nick, the ego-problem. Will, as a function of belief, and how it becomes a leadership quality. It is good at a certain level of scale, if they are working well together. They will, at some point, it is hoped, but they do not align easily together. Ego is a problem. I'd like to see Vinay and Gary engage and see how that actually happens in presence, which would confirm something about leading and following.

The danger, is the same danger people see in Truth By David, or I Am The Answer, a more recent thing which scares a few people. It could so easily be misunderstood as ego, as arrogance, an accusation leveled at me as a kid a lot. I have been trained, I can see that. So, to allay people's fears, I shall be stepping back from all this. That is, I give these things, these thoughts, and then I step away. That is, whatever happens over the next two months (maybe 2 years... not sure about this, depends on the level of success I guess), I am going to walk away. It means I am not competing with what people are doing, I am not threatening their jobs, I am not taking away any lime-light from them. It's like a social death. It's the equivalent of disappearing into a monastery. I shall not grow in ego because I am extracting myself from the social scene.

Means I can play the Genius Card, for a little while, with a use-by-date, as it were :)

Thursday, 2 April 2009

networks and groupings

A little mindstream which flowed through me this morning, 20090402.

maths, set theory, based on property, relative to property eg even numbers divisible by 2, as opposed to a set/group defined and then used logically
make use of existant relationships, people still seeking power through "fake" relationships, eg twitter, one-to-many, sales
blood, relationship, random in a class, sorted by "ability", ie not self-selected, friendship, ability, optimal (self-similar, complimentary)

I recorded it audiowise too on youtube, before I forget. Verbalising it means I externalise it, and it is woven into my conscious thinking.

The set of multiples of a number are kind of the same. Some are subsets of others, eg 4 times table is a subset of the 2 times table, and the 9 of the 3. What's interesting is that prime numbers are not on these full sets (eg 2, 3, not 4 and 9), apart from once and once only. What's the correlation wrt social grouping? Very interesting category of individuals. Prime Set of Extraordinary Individuals.

Tuesday, 17 March 2009


A rather uneventful day. Went into london town with the hope of checking out three different locations. The first was the french institute, suggested by sofia 10 mins before I hit the streets.

Got there, talked to a woman with a clipboard awaiting people for some film or other. Found out that she was an intern, and needed experience to become a film distributor. She recommended the same old, same old: fire off an email. It's funny. It's like people think this is news. This is the way it is, and there's nothing that can be done about it. I told her that part of the problem is that there is too much time and effort wasted with all this communication, instead of people stepping up to the plate and making a decision. I thought about it a bit, gave her time to think about it, and asked her if she had come up with something. She hadn't, but seems like a respectful thing to do.

She appreciated my position, that I am trying to alter the actual system in my manner of engagement, and that the potential for change is nearly zero. It very much depends on peeps becoming aware of the opportunity. The second place I visited was a marketing company, and all the peeps had just disappeared into a meeting. Bang goes opportunity for a genuine meeting. Because people are so numbed by their constant engagement, they forget how valuable it is.

Couldn't find the third place, chivas and sons, who might be related to absolut who michel bauwens has interest in. Popped into a building noticed nearby, Random House. The security guard explained that 12 years ago they had set up the electronic gates, the barbed wire fences to prevent engagement with the public. He apologised, but said I needed to make an appointment. Nice guy. Square. But it was so much like aristocracy behind castle walls, I was amazed. It's a publishing house, not a military factory.

I certainly wasn't disheartened. I was simply being told what I knew, what everyone knows. People are busy, put it in writing. And if I do, I am going nowhere. My words are not the accepted lingo, and the ideas don't conform either. In fact, most of my stuff means a restructuring of how people do work, think etc. Culture change is something which is the hardest thing to effect. It's fun trying. I hope to get better at playing with people.

Do I have an alternative? Actually, I do. Appeal to the person. Invite them to come up with the solution. I have already accepted failure. If anything does happen, they know it is their success. Powerful stuff, if you catch the vibe. The dispossessed and exploited in the world don't have access, and instead of :formal" assistance, we need to act with moral courage. My solutions are all deceptively simple. Play tron. Do experiential nights. Invest in people, eg actuators, eg social artists.

If we calculated all the time and the money used up preparing and evaluating ideas/actions before reaching decisions, how much would it amount to? I suspect, the bigger the company, the longer it takes. This also goes for funding bodies and recipients. We need to make this way more efficient, and that's by appealing directly to people, empowering them, and effecting trust relationships.

How do famous, powerful, or important peeps solve their problem of popularity? Eg someone with 100k tweet followers; there's no way they can follow them. How can they still be of use?

It's all about trust. I got bags of it. And I am old enough to do this without it worrying me. It's amusing, actually :)

Monday, 16 March 2009

notes on methodology

Spoke to Leo at the hive, who is an entrepreneur who has learned about the state of the business world through bitter experience. Seem to be a lot of people who have these kinds of stories. It's dirty. My guess is, my ideas will be ripped off. Quite frankly, I don't care, since all my ideas will improve the state of the world. Doesn't matter if I get recognition. Unless the small ideas are used without recognition, and the person/s ripping me off don't rip off the other ones too :)

So, how is the methodology shaping up? Came up with the idea of how to get into the MD's office. How about approaching people in the street, suits, and offer them an opportunity. We then walk into the offices. They lend me some respectability, and if we get into the offices for the pitch, they are third party, which is related to smart contracts, and also is proof so that the idea can't be ripped off easily.

Further, because it may be tricky for a suit to listen to me, I can approach anyone even in brixton, or at tango, and see if they are free. The qualities required are thus:
  • open-minded
  • can make some time
  • aware of social media
  • funky, interesting, beautiful is optional :)
If I can get a group together, and we get a suit or two, the meeting really is an opportunity since that group will disband. And the dialogue is no longer bi-polar, the power dynamics not so obvious, since the centre of gravity of power is lessened from MD in his office by the two, or potentially more people, in the office.

Would be amazing if this happened too, wouldn't it?

Earlier, found one school and of course didn't get into see the head... too busy :) Would be nnice if I had a device that allows me to see who is local so i can ngo into visit opportunistically: schools, businesses, creative hubs eg future institute. I cann then just wander about. Iphone and googlemaps is probably the best way to go. Hopefully, I will be set up next time I come to london.

Wednesday, 4 February 2009

being of service to agents

An email exchange in three parts, perhaps with a closing forth to come.


i quit my job last year
and have been writing up ideas that i have been collecting for years
in fact
i have produced something in the order of 19 books/booklets
none of which have been sent to publishers or agents
ranging from the link between buddhism and maths
to educational experience
to science fiction stories

rather than overwhelm myself with the arduous task for submitting them all
may i ask a favour of considering a meeting?

thanks for taking the time to read this

be well

Thank you for your message, but I'm afraid we can't help you as we're not taking on new clients at present. Good luck anyway.

Peter Buckman
The Ampersand Agency Ltd

thank you

for getting back to me

i guess the system is designed in such a way
that my approach assumes an agent-client relationship

with the deepest of respect
may i question this assumption

this is what i do with kids
and i am attempting to do with adults
though i am finding that the adult world is more brittle

i realise you are a busy person...
what can i do that might make it worth your while...?

here is my solution
which is new to me now as i write this
and thus depends on how new this is to you and your fresh attention:

the point of a meeting
is not so that you have an idea of my abilities
so that when you are looking for clients
you consider me

my intention shall be
that should i meet other people who i believe are worthwhile
i shall recommend them on to you

because of the way i work
i doubt that i might redirect one person in a whole year towards you
i would hope that this would be useful to you

in order to perform this service for you
i need to meet with you
and from our engagement
i shall pick up aspects of your manner and intention and perhaps what you are looking for

that is
the meeting is for me to serve you

thank you again for taking the time to read this

be well

even if you do not take me up on this
if i am right about what i am doing
you might be offered this kind of service by others
on a more regular basis
perhaps more substantially in a year or two...

Edit: sure enough:
Basically we're not into Buddhism or maths and we don't handle science fiction (as our website makes clear) so I'm afraid there's little point in our meeting. Which may sound harsh but is an attempt to explain that we have to be business-like.

to which i responded with:

i do not take it harshly
for what we are about to experience economically
will indeed be harsh for many of us

i apologise for drawing your attention to the wrong thing

i wish i were better at ascertaining who i should approach and with what

i thank you for your time
and wish you the best

be well

So, that's the end of that then. What is interesting to me, from this encounter, is the idea of offering a service to them. Think about it. They are an agency. They are meant to be offering a service to us, and also to the publishers. They are acting like brokers. The economic condition will mean less middle-men. Brokers of all kinds are going to feel the pinch. A way around this is for us to help them. That is, by fractionalising our efforts. If I ever do meet with an agent, I hope I get enough of an idea of who they are and what they want, so that even if they don't want to represent my stuff, I might be able to point a future author in their direction. A similar thing happened with Graham Fink at Saatchi, where I promoted the sparkly character of Sonya to him.

It is interesting to note that a fresh idea is responded to, even if it is clamped down immediately. Peter probably thinks I do this all over the place. I will probably not write that kind of offer again. It was very much a thing of the moment. This gives you an idea of the quality of experience I am attempting. To be genuine and to respond presently to conditions. If other people are not awake enough to receive them, then I am not going to automate myself in order to fit some kind of mechanical, processural system. And so, most probably, I shall meet with failure.

Funnily enough, that's one of the booklets I have produced. Failure. The wisdom in failure. I hope I continue to learn things through this way of approaching things. We shall see.